'An innovative, evidence-based approach to address trauma and aid recovery'.
Game Therapy UK is a new and innovative charity set up to promote Game Therapy in the UK for the public benefit.
Game Therapy UK's vision is to ensure an access to all those who would benefit from Game Therapy.
Our core values are inclusivity, accessibility and compassion.
Game Therapy UK's activities include supporting the provision of high quality, evidence-based Game Therapy projects to the UK population across the areas of physical health, mental health and social disadvantage.
We will also promote research into, and education of, all aspects of Game Therapy.
Game Therapy UK is a newly formed charity and is currently structured as an unincorporated charitable association. The constitution documents, policy documents and financial summary are available on request.
“Role games, when developed in a safe and creative space, can have enormous benefits for both children and adults, such as giving the opportunity for individuals to shape and express their emotions, wishes, dreams and to develop important interpersonal skills”.
Claudio Parreti – Psychologist
There is a considerable body of evidence, going as far back as the 1950's, supporting the benefit of high quality Game Therapy as an adjunct to psychological therapy, occupational therapy, education and recovery work. This work has mainly been done in the USA. However there is almost no provision of formal Game Therapy in the UK. After a conversation between clinicians, educators, recovery workers and role playing game professionals a new charity was set up to address this need in the UK for the public benefit.
Game Therapy UK has a small team of 3 founding Trustees to allow timely set-up of the charity however the intention is to expand the number of trustees in year one to ensure diversity of gender, age, ethnicity, background and experience. All the Trustees are unpaid and have no financial conflicts of interest with the charity.
The three Founding Trustees have a broad and in-depth experience of setting up successful and innovative organisations across business, charity, clinical and educational spectrum. They also bring experience of working with homeless, addiction, veterans’ services, the prison services and services working with neurodivergent young people. They also have knowledge in areas of the charities primary activities including physical, mental health and social disadvantage. They also have knowledge in research and education.
Founding Trustees
Gary Colman is a specialist homelessness GP (winner of London Homelessness Award 2021 and awarded Highly Commended in Best Primary Care Team British Medical Journal Awards 2021 for his projects with homelessness. He also has experience of working alongside NHS drug and alcohol treatment teams. As a former Army doctor he has experience shared with military veterans. He has 40 years experience of running and designing games.
Giles Rowe was co-founder and former CEO of Henderson Rowe investment management. He was also former Director of Action On Addiction charity.
Finbar Macdonald-Westall is a recovery coordinator and has worked extensively with Addiction Services and Homelessness Charities. He is a recovery coach with particular interest in the neuroscience of trauma and behavioral change, and Game Therapy.
There is also a small, diverse central team of volunteers directly supporting the Game Therapy UK and its Trustees. This team of volunteers provides invaluable additional clinical experience, administrative experience as well as providing diversity of gender, ethnicity, age and experience.
If you are interested in volunteering to help in any capacity we would love to hear from you. Whether its supporting the central team with administrative skills, clinical skills or fundraising. Or working in a Game Therapy project, supporting the teaching Faculty or research.
Game Therapy UK work closely with experts across various fields (for example, psychologists, occupational therapists, educationalist, drug and alcohol recovery workers), to reach a wide range of clients.